Sunday, 18 November 2012

Lesson Learnt the Natural Way on a Fishing Trip

fishing Mothership

Nature is the most natural way for me to rejuvenate and de stress. It makes me feel lighter and prepares me to face the unknown with more strength.It is a healer in more ways than one.Every time I visit a place in natural surroundings it teaches me to see things more positively.

There is this special place that is close to my heart because this is where I learnt to see things in a greater light.I try to visit this place every year to gain more strength.


I had gone on a fishing Mothership with a couple of my buddies and I learnt a lot of lessons.I used to be a pessimist kind and find fault in everything.I didn’t even spare the Bonefish that we were fishing.

But as they say, whatever wrong you do or say it comes back to you,it actually does and I saw it with my own eyes.It wasn’t a big thing but I learnt a lesson of a lifetime.I was pointing out everybody’s weaknesses and making fun of it.My friends told me to stop it but I just carried on with the silly talks. That’s when a big fish hit the boat and I was caught off guard.


Though it was a small incident but it changed my perception of seeing negatives.I realized that though a fish is small compared to the boat but even it has the strength to shake up things.Likewise a person however s/he is from the outside,their inner strength is enough for them to face hardships.


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